Only one adequate plan has ever appeared in the world, and that is the Christian dispensation.
John Jay - First US Supreme Court Chief Justice
Wednesday's Word: Wednesday's Word - Circuit Training

Wednesday's Word

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wednesday's Word - Circuit Training

Hello All,

Well can you believe that 5 weeks are already gone? We're wrapping up our time in the "Jim" and I really hope it was beneficial for you. I've enjoyed it immensely as every time I go to the Jim, I find new ways to "work it out".

Circuit Training-

Tell me if you've seen these people: They're always at the gym, and they're always on the same piece of equipment. Not that they're just hanging around it, I mean they're sweatin, making it "do what it do" but only focused on one part of thier body. Big chest and no legs, six pack abs but slouchy shoulders, big biceps but nothing else. In a word: Unbalanced. That's why I love how James finishes with the 5th chapter. He starts hitting it hard and he doesn't relent, He goes through on a circuit training type work out where he hits various parts of the body so that once you're done, you can expect full body results. I'll try and trail behind him, noting some high points:

Excercise for excercise sake is futile - big muscles don't impress God; use the strength (Resources) He blesses you with to help others.

Excercise patience- There's no magic pill that you can take to wake up "In shape" give yourself to the idea of long obedience in one direction...HIM.

Excercise restraint -Don't be a discourager. If you need to bring others down just to bring yourself up, work that out.

Excercise Integrity- Call it how you see it, anyone needing more proof than that are probably in need of exercise.

Excercise prayer - The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Exercise your heart - no one can do it all and reiterating from James 3:2, we all fail at different things. Have a heart for people. A heart that goes out not only for them, but a heart that will direct your feet to them to help when you see them going astray. Want for them, what you want for yourself - A healthy spirit through DIE-et and exercise.

In Him,



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