
When I look over the previous 2 posts, it looks like I’ve been pursuing a theme. Hopefully, this 3rd installment brings the whole thing full circle. Realizing the link and progression of suffering, obedience and how it’s beneficial in the pursuit of building faith, along with using that proper alignment to subdue our flesh that relentlessly seeks after its own understanding, desires, comforts, etc. Of course, we could boil the REASONING down to ‘virtue is its own reward’, but let’s not do that. Let’s not deny that there’s more.
Here’s The Word:
John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
This is where we need to take note of the subtle craftiness of ‘the thief’. When Satan was in the garden with our parents, Adam and Eve, He was about stealing, killing and destroying. How did he do it? By giving. He convinced them of a desire that should be fulfilled and offered the fulfilment. If they’d thought about obedience and building their faith, they would’ve known to suffer without giving into the enemy’s temptation. If they’d realized and understood the selfishness of that influence, their spirit could’ve won over their flesh. However, Satan knew what they didn’t, and therefore was able to make them forfeit the abundant life they’d already been enjoying. Jesus has come to restore and give life.
Often times we look at prophecy in the context of the eternal state, when all wrongs are righted and all tears are wiped away. But what about now? Does the long view cause us to miss something more near and currently available. I think so. I agree that ultimately, the abundant life IS indeed the life eternal. I also think there’s a richness that can be gleaned from the benefits of suffering, understanding the strength of fleshly pursuits and fighting them with spiritual strengthening that work together to bring glimpses of the future abundant life to the here and now.
I submit to you that if there was ever one word to describe the abundant life, that word is perfect. Right? But doesn’t the bible already encourage us to pursue perfection? It does. And of course, it won’t all be truly perfect until we’re free from the forces that necessitate our struggle, we can still get to a place more abundant than most of us experience due to our choices.
Adam and Eve slipped up when they allowed themselves to be convinced that they didn’t have something worth having. They’re contentment was discontented. This should be the root of our pursuits – contentment in Christ; working to BE what He’s called and empowered us to be and nothing more or less. This is the root of perfection and the abundant life. I think of the apostle Paul, who went through more than most of us can even imagine, being imprisoned until his eventual execution. How could he write of being content? As much as Paul was ready to die having fought the good fight, I can’t help but believe that God helped Paul embrace that perfect, contented, Abundant life.
Here’s The Word:
1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
Take a look at the picture above. Somehow, the enemy convinced Adam and Eve that being sheep lacked something worthwhile. He’s still at it today. When we think of our relationship to Christ, we’d like to imagine it as a few other things than sheep and Shepherd. Maybe Adam and Eve thought that they would have something to offer God. Maybe they thought they could be of more help to Him. If we're being REALLY honest, we often feel that way. We want God to notice and appreciate our individuality and what we offer to His work. I don't think they, or any of us ever attempt to get on God's bad side. The temptation to desire apart from God's provision; that’s the beginnings of a slippery slope, or an enticing bite…..don’t bite. Only He alone has the abundant life and it’s not a negotiation, its sheep and Shepherd.
In Him,