
Easter. The atomic blast that sent a shockwave that still ripples across the whole of time and space.
Sound a little over grandiose? A little too melodramatic?
Out of all of the things that we add “HYPE” to, this event remains beyond our ability to adequately hype it in the way it deserves.
When you consider the reality of everything contained in the Easter story, it’s beyond….
God made a promise in Genesis 3 when the serpent beguiled Eve into eating and sharing the fruit of the tree forbidden by God. Easter touches that.
God protected His people when He told Moses that He would walk through the midst, smiting the firstborn of all in Egypt, yet would not kill, but pass over those whose houses had the blood of the slain lamb. Easter touches that.
God visited Abraham; proving Abraham’s faith in his willingness to be obedient in sacrificing his only son, God stayed his hand. But God followed through in not holding back the sacrifice of Christ. Easter touches that.
Christ Himself said that no man takes His life, but He lays it down Himself and has the power to take it up again. Easter touches that.
Of all the Scriptures that foretold the coming Messiah. That pronounced His authority and rule. That spoke of His suffering and sacrifice. Easter touches that.
God instituted a system of sacrifices that really couldn’t accomplish “cleansing” from sin as a foreshadow to Christ who satisfied God with His sacrifice. Easter IS that!
When you think about all that Easter is, Scripture doesn’t stop there.
When the brutalized body of Christ on the Cross uttered His final words – “It is finished.”, things were just getting started.
Christ died in despair - “Father why have you forsaken me?”
Yet, He was raised in victory - “I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.”
Reconciliation was complete and reconciliation is the key.
God has made promises that lead up TO the cross as well as promises that proceed FROM it. As sure as He was in accomplishing what He promised WITH it, we can be sure that He will keep those He made BY it.
Here’s The Word:
Romans 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
2 Peter 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
I tend to spend a lot of time making sure we don’t make things about us too much. Pride and haughtiness come easy to us in this world as we try to establish ourselves as relevant. So in the right mind. A spiritually sound mind, this is where we can receive what’s ours – we can rejoice and shout or smile on the inside and shed a tear at His divine goodness in that He’s a promise keeper. And He, having shed His love abroad in our hearts, has reconciled and received us by the cross of His Christ and tells us, “My child, it is finished. Now, let’s get started.”
Now, we have the power to live in obedience by faith. The right to go bodly before the throne of Grace. The hope to trust that the same power that raised Christ from the dead, now works in us and the abiding joy that comforts us in that even in the midst of our worse days; HIS Father is also, now, my Father. The whole of divine revelation contained in 2 crowns and one Head. Easter touches that.
In Him,
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