Last Words

I’ve said it time and again, I blog and I encourage blogging. Over the past 12 or so years, I’ve found it to be therapeutic. Also, without question I’ve come to embrace this most remarkable truth: In trying to be a blessing and a help, I am most blessed and helped.
I guess anytime you’re dealing with death, everything can seem a little morbid, but that doesn’t have to be. In fact, for the Christian, death and dying, although understandably sad in the temporal for the loved ones we see go, or the loved ones we’ll leave behind – Death is the finish line and a welcomed reason for our highest rejoicing. We’ll stand face to face with the One Who’s love for us sought us, kept us, changed us and then ferried us home. Are you kidding?!?! I could shout now! Also, the idea of an eventual ‘finish’ should be our greatest motivation for how we seek to advance His purposes each day (as if it were our last).
Because of the “morbidity” of it all, death and dying is not something we spend much time thinking about, until we’re forced to. However, when you have an opportunity to hear someone’s last words, it’s different. It’s like the final summation of their earthly existence. After having done all the living they’ve been allowed to, the lessons learned, the illusions exposed and deductions finalized – what is it that they most want to convey?
Here’s some last words from a few of histories notables.
John Calvin expressed this to his co-laborers a few days before he died. “You will have troubles when God shall have called me away… . But take courage and fortify yourselves, for God will make use of this church and will maintain it, and assures you that He will protect it.”
His actual last words are recorded as —”How long, O Lord?”
Lord help my poor soul.” ~ Edgar Allen Poe
"Don’t you dare ask God to help me." ~ Joan Crawford
"I was born in sin. I have lived unhappily. I die in doubt. Cause of causes pity me." Aristotle
“Why do you weep? Did you think I was immortal?” King Louis XIV
"Tranquil and happy, though very weak. My theology is very simple. I can express it in few words and they are enough to die by." (Pause) “Jesus died for me.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
Some of these may be surprising. I was certainly shocked by Joan Crawford and I think "How obstinate", but I remember except for the grace of God, I'd be there too. Then, there are some that really make you wonder, and in wondering, two things happen – You think of yourself and you realize that it’s very likely that your finality will find you awestruck. As well as the finality of it all, you get the feeling that somehow, good or bad… you know what’s coming next.
"Father of Mercies, take me to Thyself." ~ George Washington
"It's very beautiful over there." ~ Thomas Edison
I really am amazed at the last words of people whose lives show a history of “differing” religiosities. In trying to define and serve a god of their own making, it seems that the one True God shows up at the end.
“La tristesse durera toujours.” (“The sadness will last forever.”) ~Vincent van Gogh
“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” ~Steve Jobs
Here’s The Last Words:
Revelation 22:20-21 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
In Him,
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