Are you the type that gets unnerved by demonic or devilish imagery? No judging here, I certainly used to be. As I’ve gotten older, I no longer see it the same way. I get why it’s scary, but I usually see it more as a magic trick whose sole intention is to misdirect us from truly perceiving the devilish and demonic.
The devil is the source for all things devilish and demonic. No surprises there, but how much thought have you ever given to the nature of devilish-ness? The name devil means slanderer, or false accuser and that in itself conjures up imagery way more broad than the eerie and spooky.
One of the best examples, comes from the first example in the Bible, in Genesis 3. We know the story of how the subtle serpent conversed with, and convinced Eve to bite of the fruit of the tree that God had already, expressly forbidden. The whole back and forth of his twisting God’s words to promote a desire in Adam and Eve that would lead to the fall of the entire human race. This is one of the most familiar stories to Christians and non-Christians alike, but as much as we associate frightening imagery with all things devil and demonic, you don’t get even the slightest inkling of that here. All you see is a regrettable conversation that we all wish would’ve never happened, and the horrific consequences that followed.
It could almost seem that the devil has promoted a lie about himself, playing up the idea of exorcisms or wild displays of bodily distortion and screams of terror, so when he really shows up to whisper in your ear….you’re none the wiser to it.
Here’s The Word:
James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
I believe that this boils things down to an “either or” situation. Two choices; Heavenly or earthly. Earthly wisdom is devilish, influenced by the demonic, but at first glance, you won’t feel the JUMP! Or hear the shriek of a specter darting into the shadows from the corner of your eye. It’ll look like perfect sense, desirable to make one wise. It will appeal to the same senses that the first example did. Look at how closely these verses are related concerning the tactics of the enemy.
1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took…
Even in the same order; fleshly appetites and food, visually desirous, and the pride of earthly wisdom. That’s where we need to see our enemy and his trickery.
There’s a classic line from an equally classic movie, the Usual Suspects, which says “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Of course, there’s an obvious cleverness to the phrase, but Biblically, I think we’re looking at something more. The devil IS a slandering accuser and he’s done a bang up job convincing people that he always wears red, can’t cross the doorway of a church, can only influence unbelievers, prefers the Catholic faith, and several other mystified distractions that don’t affect his day to day operations in the least.
In 2 Corinthians 2:11, God’s word makes an assumption about followers of Christ. It expects us to know how the enemy works – saying “ Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
Do you know how he works. or do you hear the creepy background music, eerie creaking footsteps and make a run for it, assuming you’ve reached safety once you’ve gotten away from those demonic “things”.
In Him,
This was so well written. I find myself thinking about this topic often as well, so it really fueled the thoughts I've been mulling over. Probably a conversation we can have at a later time, because I must admit.. It's not the "red suit, pitchfork" Devil that scares me.. It's the 5 course meal, with shiny silverware, champagne bottle with a bow-eat THIS apple- Devil that is truly terrifying. And I hate even saying he scares me because it feels like I'm giving him some kind of misplaced power over me, but if I'm being truly honest, I have a fear of being deceived. God wants good things for me. The Devil is an excellent shape-shifter and can APPEAR reeaal good until he CLAMPS down on you and devours you (Venus Fly Trap effect).
In these moments I heavily lean on Scriptures like "Colossians 2:2-5".
Must also say tho... that picture you chose....*shivers*..
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