I think the hardest thing about defending, or even simply presenting our faith to someone who doesn’t believe, is conveying something that seems “unconveyable”. And if your word search or autocorrect is anything like mine, you’ll see that this word has just been tagged for ‘correction’. Unconveyable is not a word, but really, what other word works better in this situation?
Fact of the matter is, I grew up in church and I heard the gospel explained on more than one occasion. I’ve heard the logical sense of the bad things I’ve done needing to be answered for. I’ve heard long and in-depth explanations of how Jesus Christ was born, lived and died, not only as an example that points to the high holiness of God, but also as a substitution to give an answer for the bad things I’ve done (because even my best sacrifice, falls short of the high holiness of God). However, even after all of that, there was still something missing,
…until something happened,
What exactly happened? I don’t believe I can explain enough to fully convince someone or bring them to the point of that internal “switch” that happened in me and many, many others who know exactly what I’m talking about. My inability to make clear and transformable sense of what happened doesn’t at all take away from the fact…that something happened.
It’s like the creation story. Where the earth had been created, but was formless and empty.
Then, something happened. I’m sure that physics was probably already in play. Gravity was doing what gravity does. Cause and effect was ready to leap into action and logic was waiting, anticipating its opportunity to carry things forward from its determined launching point.
Then God said, "Let there be light." and something happened. Illumination. Exposure. A visual indication of what was what, and where it would go from there.
Quite an impressive something !
It’s the same something that happens to the heart of believers. Our hearts begin in darkness and without the ‘form’ that it will begin to progress toward. Physics and logic are there, but alone, they can’t make the leap to illumination. Something has to happen.
The Bible talks about the things that exist while we’re in darkness and these things fool us into believing that we have enough to validate the things we see, Oh! How sadly mistaken we are.
Here’s the Word;
James 3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
John 3:31 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.
Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
There's a lot going on here; earthly wisdom and many worldly ways to go after knowledge. But if you assume that all you know or that all you see is all there is....suffice it to say, you're missing something.
All too often, we come away from a bad slice of life knowing that something has to change. Its easy in those instances to end up seeking distance from bad experience rather than closeness to God. Worldly wisdom offers that. This desire and these actions may lead to a better, less problematic life but it doesn't unburden you of your sin debt and doesn't afford you the promise of something Heavenly better.
Only seeking God offers the possibility of finding Him.
2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Just like in Genesis 1 verse 3 when God said "Let there be light", its easy to assume that at that moment, the Sun turned on. That's not true. The Sun and Moon don't get created until verse 14. Can I convincingly explain what that first LIGHT was? Maybe not to your liking, but I know something happened and it was different from the Sun.
Once we've received something different, we become something different and the Bible tells us at length all that comes with the switch from darkness to light and God removes our heart of stone, replacing it with a heart of flesh. It's sobering and phenomenal. Inspiring but leaves you totally undone. It's the kind of thing that may frighten us into thinking that we're going to lose ourselves, having the things we like about ourselves stripped away. But its something way better than that. Enlightened authors over the years have said it more eloquently than I can, but when you've gotten a hold of who God is, in Christ, you get to be the you He always intended and its better than you could ever imagine. It's something else!
God's Word would not have you sold short, having bought into a counterfeit, and there are more than a few available. It tells you to check your "something". Test it. Make sure that you have the right thing, not just anything. That special something that can transform you from the inside out in an almost 'unconveyable' way.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you...
The Bible says that He stands at the door and knocks(Rev 3:20). I take this to believe that His love is of the seeking sort. He woos and He pursues but He doesn't override our will. Explaining the gospel is difficult because we so easily find what we believe is 'sufficient' in other things. Physics, logic, and earthly wisdom.
Colossians 1:28, calls believers to preach and warn and present people to Christ. He perfects us by His Spirit. He takes us from nothing, to something. And thing is, the difference is noticeable. I can't explain it but I encourage you, check your heart. Check your history. See if The Spirit is there. See if you have something more than a strong reaction to a bad experience. More than just a desire and effort to be 'good'(or just less bad). If not, then He's still knocking, and He's got something for you.
In Him,
It's so great how we can use "made up words" and they do a better job at getting the message across than any of the words in any of the languages. SO many words yet the ones those fit best for certain topics. Being in Christ, and allowing Him to perform that "Something" in you is truly hard to describe without simply falling into a praise and worship of the Lord. To give a full, detailed and descriptive account of the "God given something" isn't as simple as trying to convince someone to say- go to a really good movie. You don't want to spoil it because you want them to enjoy it for themselves, with no real expectations or "clues", yet you have to make them a believer enough to know that "This movie fina be awesome! It got 5 stars!" We sometimes feel like we will let God down if it's our job to bring people to his theatre and no one comes to the premiere. But as you said, there's an outward and inward change in the individual that will not go without notice.. then some will even ask- what is it? It is THEN we can reply- Oh, it's SOMETHING alright.. just gotta go to the movies for yourself.. Great Post Dad!
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