Sometimes we read Scripture,
And we’re trying to understand.
Am I really getting the meaning?
Am I confused about His plan?
We know what words mean.
But we still squint our eyes.
Did He mean to use THAT word?
Or Is THIS how it applies?
Like every time I see every
Is it really every, as in ALL?
Am I too focused on my benefit?
Or trying to downplay where I fall.
…Well, He said
Every plant not of Father.
Every tree that’s void of fruit.
Every word that’s heard but ignored.
Ends in destruction. Destitute.
Every spirit that confesses Christ,
Every one who loves is born of God.
Every man with this hope, purifies himself.
Choosing narrow rather than broad.
Every eye will eventually see,
As every knee will bow.
So, let us lay aside every weight.
Let The Spirit teach us how.
He scourges every son that He receives.
Struggle and strife have purpose.
Every work is tried by fire.
Fire to purify, not at all, to kill us.
Every good and perfect gift is from above.
Christ tasted death for every man.
let every man be swift to hear.
Our perfection is His plan.
Withdraw from every disorderly brother.
No union between Christ and Belial.
If we deny Christ here, then rest assured.
Before The Father, us too, He'll deny.
Not every one that says Lord, Lord.
But every idle word we speak.
And every work receives its just reward.
When judgement comes, for Jew and Greek.
Prepare to give answer to every man.
Humbly assert that the Lord GOD, is One.
For I testify unto every man,
Yes, every kindred and tongue.
For Christ is the end of the law
for righteousness to every believer.
a measure of faith dealt to every man,
Blame or excuse; no profit in either.
God's entire Word is sure and true and it can be easy to presume what's to be made much of and what can be considered of less consequence. That's why we study. For intimacy and direction.
Whenever we allow our misunderstanding to override God's revelation of Himself, we, in that moment, are guilty of creating an idol. The following verse speaks of how God didn't take it too seriously in the past when people thought of God in idol-ized terms (Gold, silver and creations stemming from the imaginations of men), but that time is gone.
Here's The Word:
Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Do you think He really means "every" and "all"?
In Him,
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