Now What?
Recognize this image? It’s from the 1994 movie Shawshank Redemption. If memory serves me correctly, this scene is just about the end of the movie where Tim Robbins character, Andy Dufrene escapes from prison after a long, well crafted plan that would secure his freedom and also expose the corrupt prison warden to the point of suicide...but more on that later.
After a little research, I’ve found that the source of this next campaign is credited to New York Giants quarterback, Phil Simms: It goes like this; “Phil, you’ve just won the Super bowl, what are you going to do now?” Simms replies, “I’m going to Disneyland!” (Wonderful marketing campaign, by the way.)
Search the world over, and I doubt that you’d find any people not easily given to the idea of celebrating. It’s not enough to simply win, we want to celebrate winning! There just seems to be a common expectation that conquest ushers in a time of exuberant rejoicing. This is where I think that one of our biggest desires is also the source one of our biggest misunderstandings.
Sorry to burst the bubble, but hear me out.
When we’re brought into salvation, there’s a flood of sad reflection on the lives we lived before knowing Christ. Lives full of selfish pleasure seeking, and we become hyper-sensitive and fully aware of not only how much we were blinded and fooled by the enemy, but also how much we were under the righteous wrath of All Mighty God.
So we then receive His grace.
We’re cleaned and delivered from the power of sin and the guilt that kept us constrained….and then we’re hit with the question…Now what?
We see our salvation as our victory and our mind inadvertently does this thing: Now What? Disneyland right?.
We want a life of wondrous rejoicing, and we believe that because of our position as a "new creation", God should cater the party. No problems, no worries, and no temptations to return to the filth we were delivered from.
...Then reality hits, and it’s not Disneyland.
But then, that was never the promise. And when you look at it truthfully, our salvation is not our victory in the first place – It’s Christ’s.
Look at the picture again. Do you imagine that it’s you rejoicing in the rain? Do you see yourself as having struggled to get to God and fought your way tooth and nail to avoid the snares of the enemy? Well, you didn’t. But be comforted, neither did any of the rest of us.
It’s Christ who came down and subjected Himself to harsh treatment by men. Men pleased to protect their lives of wanton sin. Men of whom the Bible says - "there is none that doeth good, no, not one" Romans 3:12. Securing us, He alone was also subjected to the very wrath of God. He is the victor and it is He who made a mockery of the power of sin and death (just like Andy did to the corrupt Warden).
Here’s The Word:
Colossians 2:13-15 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
It’s Christ who will rejoice in winning and even He Himself is still waiting until all things are perfected to do so.
So now what? Here’s what Christ’s Now what? Looks like –
• He’s preparing a place for us now.
• He’s an active advocate before The Father on our behalf, now.
• He’s waiting at the right hand of The Father until all things are placed under His feet, now.
Well, then what about us? What should our ‘Now what’ look like? – I’m glad you asked. These (and a whole bunch more) are pulled right from the Scriptures. Spend time with God through His Word. Let the Holy Spirit illuminate the path of righteousness.
• Live in hope, Now.
• Endure hardness like a good soldier, now.
• Pray without ceasing, now.
• Rejoice always with joy unspeakable, starting now.
• In everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus, now. (1 Thess 5:16 - 18)
• Build up your faith, now.
• Guard your heart with all diligence, now.
• Grow in grace, now.
• Abide in him, now.
• Show gratitude for the mercy God has shown you, now.
• Live by faith, now.
• Learn to be content in the myriad of ups and downs, keeping His peace, now.
There's an old hymn that goes - "When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be."
"When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory!"
Something in us longs to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of 'winning'. But until that day, we live lives with ups and downs. Struggles and disappointments. However, the days aren't all bad and absolutely none are bad enough to snatch us from the hand of Him who has redeemed us. He's with us each day, patiently pursuing the perfection of our faith so that in the end, we'll all rejoice together.
...SO now what?
In Him,
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