
Here it is! The Grand Finale. The end all, be all of this short series culminating into one final score. Over the last 2 weeks, we looked at how easily it is for us to confuse Scripture concerning “All” things through Christ. Then we looked at our propensity to make small things big and devalue things that should be incomparably BIG. Today we take the focus off of us and try to embrace what God means when He says “all”. Progressively, the focus has gone from our blindness, to our (mis)perception and hopefully on to fruitful clarity.
Here’s The Word:
Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God
If you notice, this passage doesn’t refer to an “all” at all but if you continue reading the rest of Colossians, you’ll see such a concentrated presentation of all, it will make your head spin.
If you wanted a little mental “trick” to remind you of what Colossians is about, you could refer to it as C'ALLossians- emphasis on ALL because that’s exactly where it goes. It’s a small book, only 4 chapters: It’s an intro, a little over 2 chapters of all, then a close. Don’t believe me, see for yourself.
This verse which opens chapter 3 is not to be taken lightly. It’s the lynch-pin to some pretty important things in the first two chapters concerning Christ. However, before you can attain to all that comes in Chapter 3 and following, this BIG “if” needs to be reconciled before proceeding.
In the first two Chapters, we see Christ as all –
• by him were all things
• he is before all things
• by Him all things consist
• in him all fulness dwells
• He reconciled all things unto himself
• In him is all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
This is where chapter 3 constructs its hurdle. If we can receive and give ourselves to all of the things previously mentioned about Who and What Christ is, we can begin to properly orchestrate our lives into the posture of appropriate response. Point being, IF you’re His, here comes ALL that really matters
• Put off all - (list of ‘former’ things)
• Put on all – (list of things that attain to righteousness)
• Above all put on charity
• Let the word of Christ dwell richly in you in all wisdom
• Obey your parents in all AND obey in all things your masters – This is talking about natural and physically legal relationships but if we consider God to be Our Father, and ourselves to be His servants – doesn’t it ALL apply?
When I read this, It’s hard NOT to see what God means by all. If you're like me, I also see how much stuff happens in my days and weeks and years that are not part of all that God has for me, nor are they conducive to all that God expects from me. I may not know all that I should do, but I'm not confused about the things that I know I shouldn't be doing.
Don't get me wrong. I make mistakes as we all do, and I don’t walk condemned, I just make sure that it remains a fight. I stay careful and conscious that old dead things don't find safe haven or protection. That I would truly believe that when God says "Love the LORD with all - mind, soul and strength, that I lean fully into the power of His Spirit and don't hold back.
I know that I have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3) So I use it as encouragement, as I hope you do as well. If you're His, you've been given the Spirit of God which was instrumental in creating all things – the same Spirit Who raised Christ from the dead. This same Spirit seals us in salvation and is available to do both sides of C'ALL-ossians: to recognize Christ and to do all He asks realizing that He’s not the stern 3rd grade teacher who liked watching me struggle and fail. No, He has done way more than anyone could fathom and eternity holds more than anyone could ever imagine. All I have to do is keep Him as the focus of my life no matter what “all-else” comes along.
Nothing else can pay what He paid, and nothing else can offer ALL He offers.
In Him,
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