
For Christians, it is of utmost importance to preach the Gospel. To let the world know that the free gift of salvation is available to all who will believe on Christ and His virgin birth, perfect life and atoning death.
Another like passion is discipleship – to help believers humbly yield, embracing the Holy Spirit’s transformative process of sanctification, growing in righteousness.
Matthew 7:21 is the verse that causes me the most grief in that as it underscores the fruit of a believer, it also upstages the personality of a God who watches. Saying Christ, but not being Christlike is dangerously regrettable.
Often, we can become stagnant, wondering what God’s will is for our lives. I do believe that God can, and often does have distinct specifics for our lives but there’s also SO much in the Bible that we can, and should be doing as we wait for that special word from ‘on High’.
We must remember: Our actions don’t purchase our salvation, they prove it and being near Christ is no substitution for being IN Christ. Looking through the Bible, you can easily fill your current season with things God tells us to do.
You endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ.
You hold fast to the Giver of the words of eternal life.
By God’s Holy Spirit, You keep continuing, being filled.
You reverence the fact the He Is God. Be still.
You give all diligence to add to your faith.
You purpose not just to run, but to win this race.
You do unto others as you would have done to you.
You hold to the words of the Faithful and True.
You be kindly affectioned, showing brotherly love.
You seek after wisdom that comes down from above.
You make sure you don’t cause your brother to stumble.
God resists the proud. Make sure that You stay humble.
You walk by faith and not by sight.
You yield to God’s Spirit - not your power or might.
You be unmovable. You be steadfast.
You reach for the things before, leaving behind the past.
Make sure you’re the whosover that shall believe.
Make sure it’s not in vain, the grace you receive.
Be serious about You being reconciled to God.
With the Gospel of peace, your feet need be shod.
You avoid evil motives, overcome evil with good.
If you have a hungry enemy, you give him some food.
You rejoice in hope and continue instant in prayer.
You be heavenly minded, and store your treasure there.
You study God’s Word, to show yourself approved.
You develop this fortitude - “I shall not be moved”.
You work out your salvation with trembling and fear.
Seek the Lord while He may be found, call while He’s near.
you show the same diligence, secure hope to the end.
You make sure to sharpen the countenance of friends.
Because of His commission, not to earn salvation,
You go be a witness for Him to all nations.
He’s given you power for what He asks you to do.
And in everything, Give thanks. This is God’s will for you.
In Him,
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