Only one adequate plan has ever appeared in the world, and that is the Christian dispensation.
John Jay - First US Supreme Court Chief Justice
Wednesday's Word: God Don't Like Ugly

Wednesday's Word

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

God Don't Like Ugly

It's quite evident that in recent news, there’s been a lot of apologizing going on. Without question, intentional or accidental offenses must be addressed. The main point being that, after the apology, forgiveness should follow. Mainstream forgiveness seems to go like this:
“Okay, apology accepted; you’re forgiven…now leave and never come back!”
That is not Christian forgiveness. Let’s pull this up by the roots:
       Let’s say I’m at the gym and can’t lift 400 pounds. The problem is nothing other than ability. I’m physically not able to lift the weight. Now, it’s NOT the lack of ability standing in the way of our forgiveness, its pride. Once hurt, we often feel that WE shouldn’t HAVE to forgive. It’s hard to pick up forgiveness when your hands are already full, holding a grudge. And I don’t mean to make it sound easy, its not. I know well the reality of the pain of a trampled heart, but to not forgive is not an option.
Forgiveness is medicine, not applied to someone’s offense to try and mask or undermine its ugliness. It’s applied to your own heart as the forgiver; helping you heal from the hurt and preventing your heart from becoming hard and unusable.
Here’s the word:
Ephesians 4: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
In Matthew 18: 21-22(paraphrased) Peter asks Jesus, how often should he forgive his brother who sins against him, seven times seven? Jesus says no Peter, seventy times seven which some interpret as "completely".
       Here’s a test: Imagine yourself working at a restaurant and the person that’s hurt you the worst, walks in with their family (or friends) as happy as can be. How much is your heart wrenched at the idea of serving them courteously with a smile? Have you asked God for the forgiveness it would take to humble you back to health? He’s definitely got more than enough. Just think… He continues to forgive you.
       In closing, let’s be honest: There is absolutely nothing that you could possibly do to prevent yourself from ever being hurt again. Tenderhearted means being available and vulnerable; not throwing yourself on any old cross as a pitiful martyr (for vainglory), but indeed as a living sacrifice.
When I think on it, I know our sin displeases God, but I bet He gladly forgives us of them, casting them away as far as the east is from the west, simply because He loves fellowshipping with us. But our unforgiveness smells of pride, and I bet that reminds Him of the day that pride first raised its ugly head in heaven, causing shear chaos and ultimately the death of His only Son. I'm sure of it. God don’t like ugly.


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