Only one adequate plan has ever appeared in the world, and that is the Christian dispensation.
John Jay - First US Supreme Court Chief Justice
Wednesday's Word: Bad Memory

Wednesday's Word

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bad Memory

I was born in early 1969 and somewhere around 1973, at the tender age of 4, many of the day to day events that made up my childhood not only shaped my experience, but also embedded themselves deep in my memory. I remember the radio jingle for “Funtown” in Chicago (95th & Stoney Island Ave). I remember the “Make life a little easier” jingle that Rodney Allen Rippy sang for Jack-N-the-Box and one of my all time favorites was the Levis’ “Good Morning World” jingle which Google says was used in 1972, so I was 3 years old and just like the other examples, I can still see myself sitting in front of the tv watching these things take place. Notwithstanding my nostalgic recollection, my memories aren’t confined to television; I remember details about places I lived, friends I had, things I’d done and feelings I felt….vividly. In 12 years of school, I went to 11 different schools: I remember all of them.

Being totally honest, I have to admit that not all of my memories are warm and fuzzy but overall they have added a richness and appreciation for my life. I’ve said all of that to say this; although I wouldn’t commit to saying I have a photographic memory, I would contend that I at least have a “good” memory. Well, I thought it was good until I learned the bad side of it: Life has a way of dealing some heavy blows and inflicting deep wounds that seem to never heal. Most times the advice we get, as well intentioned and compassionate as their delivery, boil down to “Get over it”. It doesn’t take a psychiatry degree to see why it’s mentally unhealthy to continue reliving painful experiences. But what about me? I have the proverbial “steel trap” memory that doesn’t forget much of anything. If the old saying is true “Forgive and forget”, people like me are doomed! Can I learn to forget? I doubt it.

Here’s The Word;

Jeremiah 31:34(b) for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Hebrews 10:17 and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more

Does God forgive and forget? I know many who would jump to their feet and yell out a resounding “YES”!!!! And from a certain standpoint, I can appreciate the idea, but I don’t believe that this is what He’s saying – He said, I will remember no more. I would submit to you that although we may equate not remembering to forgetting, God is not like us and for us; “forgetting” is a flaw. For God, “not remembering” is an aspect of His Grace and Mercy….it’s a choice.

Whew!!! Thank God! As an imitator of God, I don’t have to struggle, wishing my mind would forget things, but I still have to choose to think differently about the past hurts in my life and to release those involved. In REMEMBERING, I have to choose to not RELIVE – which REKINDLES RESENTMENT. Actually, I can choose to REJOICE and see that God saw me through those times and allowed them to REFINE me. This is a way better choice than that of allowing an unforgiving heart to infect my future.

I still believe that it’s Biblical; if two people want to embrace “right relationship” with one another after a transgression, there needs to be repentance, forgiveness, and restoration but if that’s not the goal; it’s a little harder but still very important for your own heart health to release that person and that pain from your bad memory.

In Him,


Blogger culinarygnus said...

I love the fact that we have to choose to let are heart heal from past hurt. As yo can see I am learning from this past post to move forward to rejoice in God giving me grace from past hurts.

Thanks Bro

9:43 PM  

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